How To Add Weight For The Thin Man How To Add Weight For The Thin Man |Variety of Information and Business

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How To Add Weight For The Thin Man

I am 21 years old and has a height 178 cm weight 59 kg. Even if checked by the calculation of ideal weight, I still meet, but when viewed directly, it can be concluded clearly that I was very thin.

I 've tried hard to increase my weight in various ways such as:
1. Adjust your diet ( but still does not work )
2. Consuming more than 3x a day and eating extra food or snacks and still does not work 
3. Consuming appetite enhancer drugs from china   make me fat cheeks and cause acne very much 
4. Consuming milk weight gain  weight gain does not work, L -men could only add to the weight that used   55kg  to 59 kg now Please help me to be able to provide solutions on how to gain weight because of my current condition is very uncomfortable for me to move.

Adjusting your diet and eat foods more often is the most common. I worry that you follow the diet for most people who are usually aimed at maintaining weight or even lose weight.
To gain weight, you need:
1. Eat 5-6 times a day, every day: 3 large meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks 2-3 times. Try to give a distance of 2-3 hours between meals to allow time to process food.
2. Eat foods that have lots of energy such as full cream milk and other dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, nuts and avocados. Feel free to include protein ( milk, eggs, fish and meat ) into each of your meals because you need to gain weight and muscle mass.
If you feel satisfied with the weight gain of dairy products, you can continue to eat them. If not, other alternatives may be cheaper is to make regular milk from milk powder by the number of lots until thick.

I do not recommend the use of herbal medicines because most likely there is no list of the contents of the medicine and there is no guarantee from the manufacturer so that we as consumers can not know the side effects that might arise.
You should also exercise regularly so that the protein you consume can be stored as muscle and not as fat. Good luck.

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