Causes, Palms Always Sweating Causes, Palms Always Sweating |Variety of Information and Business

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Causes, Palms Always Sweating

Sweaty palms
Dear doctor, palms of my hands and feet are often moist and slightly sweaty. Does this indicate a serious disease indications such as heart trouble? Thank you

Symptoms as experienced by Mr. could occur due to several conditions, among other things

Cardiac abnormalities
  •   Excessive production of sweat glands which is a congenital ( hyperhidrosis )
  •     Neurological or psychological factors that can be triggered by stress, pain, fear and others
So, sweaty hands are not always as there are heart problems.

To learn more disorder, it needs more information. When did the complaint come from? Is it arises from childhood or recently? Is appear only at certain times or occur almost every time? And also whether there are other symptoms such as palpitations, discomfort in the chest or heartburn, shortness of breath and other

Of course to know more clearly needs further examination, both physical examination and other investigations.

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