Overcoming Alcohol Addiction Overcoming Alcohol Addiction |Variety of Information and Business

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Overcoming alcohol addiction should be followed by a detoxification process, namely the process of eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body. To be effective, the process must be supported by lifestyle changes.

Detoxification is only complete, because the effort to overcome the addiction must begin with the intention of the addicts themselves. Regardless of the method will not work if the person concerned has established 100 percent.

If the determination was made, the detoxification process carried out by replacing body fluids or rehydration. In this process, the water will shed toxins and impurities in the body.
process will be effective if accompanied by changes in lifestyle. Some of them are as follows.

Drinking more water To clean the toxins of alcohol, one must add carian consumption as much as 2-3 liters / day karen cells in the body needs fluids to function properly. While doing detoxification, adequate fluid will greatly help the immune system. Fluids will also launch the disposal of toxins including residual alcohol from the body.
Eating fresh vegetables and fruits
Bits of fruit juice ( beetroots ) berkhasian believed to cleanse the liver, while the carrot juice to strengthen the immune system. To support the detoxification process, combine beet juice, carrot and apple. Cranberry juice can also be added, because it can purify the body from toxins impurities.

Consuming herbs and supplements
Several species of plants and herbs or supplements that contain vitamin B can help reduce physical and psychological tensions that arise during the process of alcohol detoxification. Consult with your doctor or consultant herbs, supplements what works with each individual condition.

The detoxification process can trigger depression, which can be relieved by doing yoga or other exercise regularly. Because a lot of potassium released with sweat, Balance with eating more fruits and vegetables. Bananas, melons, tomatoes, citrus fruits and green vegetables contain lots of potassium.

Keep in mind, the depression that arises during the detoxification process can lead to feelings of restlessness and irritability. In severe conditions, can trigger side effects detox tremors ( shaking) or hallucinations. These conditions require sedation to be purchased by prescription.

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